Monday, September 10, 2012

Mr. Bach's Chemistry Course Outline and Syllabus

CP Chemistry
Prerequisite – IM 2 or higher
Graduation – Fulfill one year of physical science requirement
Duration - 2 semesters
Credit – 5 units per semester with “D-” or better for high school. “C-” for UC/CSU.
10 credits – 9th - 12th grade
A-G approved science course for UC 1 year laboratory science “d

Chemistry Course Outline and Syllabus
Science Department - Mira Loma High School
Teacher: Phe Bach, Ed.D.
Email:; Room: H-207
                                                     Twitter/Instagram/fb/Linkedin @PheBach                  

MLHS Vision/Mission Statement:
Embracing diversity and valuing excellence, Mira Loma High School's mission is to inspire and educate each student toward academic achievement, critical thinking, intrinsic success, and responsible contributions to a peaceful international society by providing innovative, rigorous, student-focused instruction through a rich tradition of high-quality programs and dynamic activities in a safe, compassionate, and collaborative learning community.

Course Goals:
- Achieving the defined California State Standards for High School Chemistry.
- Fulfilling the requirements of IB Middle Years Programs.
- Preparing students for college and presenting chemistry material that applies to their daily life with a positive attitude.

Organization/Course Standards: This course is followed closely the Prentice Hall Chemistry textbook.  It is organized into ten units according to California State and SJUSD’s Standards for chemistry.  Students will understand the following topics:

Unit 1 – Introduction to the Methods of Chemistry:
Measurements and Calculations; Lab Equipment and Lab Safety
Unit 2 – Matter and Changes / Scientific Measurement:
            Matter, elements and compounds, mixtures, chemical reactions. Measurements and their uncertainty, Basic SI systems, Density.
Unit 3 – Atomic Structure, Electrons and Periodic Behavior
Atoms – The building blocks of Matter; Structure of the atoms; arrangement of Electrons in Atoms, the Periodic Law, Periodic Trends
Unit 4 –Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:
Chemical bonding; Structure of Covalent Molecules, Salts, and Metals
Unit 5 – Chemical Names and Formula/Conservation of Matter:
Chemical Formulas and Compounds, Chemical Equations and Reactions.
Unit 6 – Stoichiometry
            The arithmetic of equations, chemical calculations, limiting reagent and percent yield.
Unit 7 – Gas Laws / Gas Behavior:
Physical Characteristics of Gases, Gas Laws, Molecular Composition of Gases
Unit 8 – Solids, Liquids and Solutions / Acids and Bases:
Liquids and Solids, Properties of Solutions and Solution Concentration, Acids and Bases, Characteristics of Acids and Bases, Titration, calculating pH, neutralization of acids and bases.
Unit 9 – Electrochemistry, Thermochemistry and/or Nuclear Chemistry
Electrochemical cells, reduction-oxidation reactions; The flow of energy, heat in changes of states, nuclear radiation, nuclear transformations, Fission/Fusion of Atomic nuclei.
Unit 10 – Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry.
Subjects outside of the State Standards, covered after the Content Standards Test in early May.
The Academic grades will be based on the following breakdowns:
a.     Classwork/Homework, standards testing, presentations 20%
b.    Portfolio, Quizzes, and Unit Tests 25%
c.     Laboratory notebook, lab quizzes, project and lab reports 25%
d.     Comprehensive final exam 15%
e.   Participation and attendance 15%

Grading Scale: Course grades will be assigned according to SJUSD’s standard grading practice:
100% - 90% = A || 90% - 80% = B || 80% - 70% = C || 70% - 60% = D || Below 59.9% = F
I’ll use the normal grade scale with “plus” and “minus”.
I’ll not curve my tests, but I DO give extra credits.

Extra Credits:
            You made earn up to 1.0% per semester. Bonus points are awarded from time to time at the instructor’s discretion for a variety of little extra reasons such as bring materials for the lab, writing summary of science/chemistry articles, asking brilliant questions and seeking the answer, helping out the room/lab, etc… or conducting an original research or writing an exceptional research paper and this work is no “Mickey Mouse” project. Ask the instructor for more information.


Besides HONESTY and PERSONAL INTEGRITY, RESPECT is the key. Being courteous, mindful and respectful to fellow students, T.A., substitute, your instructor, and our classroom settings are expected at all times. Unnecessary acting out, put down, talking, trashing class/campus, or other immature behaviors will lead to lowering of your citizenship grade. Finally, the citizenship grading policy will comply with Mira Loma and San Juan School Districts’ policies. This includes adhering to all rules in our handbook. For example, after 3 tardies (<30mins) results in parent-called plus 1-hour detention and after each truancy (>30mins) will results in lower 1 citizenship grade.

The following criteria will be used to determine the citizenship grade:
                        A: Student is attentive, stays on task, complies with teacher requests, is
courteous to others, treats equipment well, contributes positively to the
class learning environment, follows class rules and is on time to class.
B: Student demonstrates occasional transgressions of the expectations listed for an A, but makes an effort not to repeat them.
C: Student demonstrates occasional transgressions of the expectations listed for the “B” student and may be inattentive, off task, unprepared or occasionally tardy and may require reminders to remain on task.
D: Student is disruptive to the class and learning environment and makes little effort to correct his/her behavior even after disciplinary actions are taken.  He/she may exhibit unacceptable or rude interpersonal behavior and may accumulate many tardies during the grading period. 
F: Student persistently disrupts the classroom learning environment, fails to respect individual rights and property or school responsibilities along with possibly being chronically tardy to class.

NOTE: A major infraction of these rules may result in a more dramatic drop in the citizenship grade after conferencing with the student, legal guardian and/or administrator. Issues with academic malpractice will also negatively affect the student’s citizenship grade.

Electronic devices may be used before school, after school, during passing periods, break, and lunch. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.  Students will receive progressive discipline for using their cell phone during class (1st warning, 2nd phone taken away/‘phone jail’, 3rd detention/referral). Phone sleeves will be used during quizzes and tests. 
At any time during the school year the privilege to use electronic devices during school hours may be revoked by school administration (phone lockers in the VP office).

Passes:        Please use the restroom at lunch, passing periods, or before school, however, if you need to use the restroom, just raise your hand without interrupting the class.  If this becomes a frequent occurrence, I will be forced to have a (remarkably awkward) conversation with you and your parents about the obvious medical issue you have.  Per school rules, students are not allowed to use the restroom the first and last ten minutes of class.  A forgetful mind is not an emergency, make sure all of your possessions are with you and not in the quad, or in you car, or in your last classroom, or . . .

Academic Integrity Policy:
Each student is responsible for performing academic tasks in such a way that honesty is not in question.  Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic honesty, and students are expected to maintain the following standards of integrity:  All tests, term papers, oral or written assignments, projects and recitations are to be the work of the student presenting the material.  Any use of wording, ideas, or findings of other persons, writers, or researchers requires the explicit citation of the source; use of the exact wording requires a “quotation” format and citation (MLA format). Any student deliberately assisting another student in academic dishonesty is also culpable.  (i.e.  Letting a friend copy your homework, sharing test questions or answers, providing a photo of tests or quizzes)  Students found in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to school discipline which may include, loss of, or zero credit on the assignment, lowered citizenship grade in the course, parent conference, and Saturday School.  Teacher, counselor, or student may request restorative practices.

When you are absent, it is your responsibility to turn in work that was due during your absence the following day you’re back. If you missed a lab/test, it must make up within ONE week or it will results in a zero. Late works will NOT be accepted unless it is an excused absence. Homework are turn in every Wednesday and Friday. Late work is no longer accepted. All grade discrepancy must take care of within one week of posted grade.
Contact:         I am almost always available during lunch (except when participating in intramural sports) and you may catch me during break, before or after school. To ensure you catch either of us, a quick email to set up an appointment is useful.  The best way for you and your parents to reach us is through E-mail: Students can also use Google Classroom (which goes to our email anyway). If needed, we will message students using Google Classroom so please ensure you have set up a method to see those messages (historically, students have found the app is VERY helpful for this).

Code of Conduct: Classroom policies, policies on attendance, tardiness, dress code, and behavior, are addressed in the student handbook, will be implemented along with district policies (Please see below)


            Classroom policies, policies on attendance, tardiness, dress code, electronic devices and behavior are addressed in the student handbook. They will be implemented along with district policies.  Students cannot use electronic devices at any given time in the classroom. Exceptions will be allowed during class activities such as Kahoot, Google classroom, researching, and so on.

            Mr. Bach will also implement these Five Studying/Living Principles in our classroom. It is a mindful way of living and we will practice reflective and mindfulness, as it is the key to peace and harmony with oneself in the classroom, in the family and ultimately in the world.

1. Do no harm. (Non-harming) – Abstain from intentionally hurting or killing any animate life.  Do not harass or bully anyone or other beings physically, mentally or emotionally. For example, if you see spiders or other insects in the classroom please take them outside or let me know and I will do it. In Mr. Bach’s classroom remember this wise saying: think no evil; speak no evil; act no evil, text no evil, post no evil and comment no evil.

2. Have integrity. (Honesty) – Don’t take anything that does not belong to you without permission, including intellectual property. This means that you should avoid plagiarism, copying, or taking materials such as chemicals from the lab. Only take what is offered. Practice self-discipline and show self-esteem.

3. Respect yourself and others. (Respect) – Respect all others, including different living organisms, fellow classmates, other teachers, substitute teachers, and so on. Show courtesy and politeness. Being respectful starts with the Golden Rules. Be considerate of other people's feelings. Show manners, etiquette and sincere intention as it is a way to keep society in harmony. Respect the classroom space and property. Being respectful also means don't discriminate and being open-minded.

4. Communicate responsibly. (Communication) – Let’s put ourselves in each other’s shoes. Be mindful of your communication, including what you think, say and do. Please be responsive rather than reactive- think of a win-win situation. Please listen attentively; use deep listening skills and loving speech.

5. Show kindness and compassion. (Compassion)  Show empathy and sympathy. Be kind, warm-hearted and caring to yourself and others around you. However, before you can show kindness, love or compassion for others, you must first practice self-kindness, self-love and self-compassion for yourself and family. In order to make our surroundings more kind, loving and compassionate, we have to be an agent of change. Happiness, love, kindness, and compassion start from the within.


  1. Good website to learn:
  2. KhanAcademy:
  3. All classroom lesions/presentations and resources can be downloaded under classroom notes:
  4. Games for your brain:
  5. Mr. Bach’s other corner:

Honors Chemistry Course Outline and Syllabus

CP Chemistry
Prerequisite – IM 2 or higher
Graduation – Fulfill one year of physical science requirement
Duration - 2 semesters
Credit – 5 units per semester with “D-” or better for high school. “C-” for UC/CSU.
10 credits – 9th - 12th grade
A-G approved science course for UC 1 year laboratory science “d

Chemistry Course Outline and Syllabus
Science Department - Mira Loma High School
Teacher: Phe Bach, Ed.D.
Email:; Room: D-4
                                                     Twitter/Instagram/fb/Linkedin @PheBach                  

MLHS Vision/Mission Statement:
Embracing diversity and valuing excellence, Mira Loma High School's mission is to inspire and educate each student toward academic achievement, critical thinking, intrinsic success, and responsible contributions to a peaceful international society by providing innovative, rigorous, student-focused instruction through a rich tradition of high-quality programs and dynamic activities in a safe, compassionate, and collaborative learning community.

Course Goals:
- Achieving the defined California State Standards for High School Chemistry.
- Fulfilling the requirements of IB Middle Years Programs.
- Preparing students for college and presenting chemistry material that applies to their daily life with a positive attitude.

Organization/Course Standards: This course is followed closely the Foundation of College Chemistry textbook.  It is organized into ten units according to California State and SJUSD’s Standards for chemistry.  Students will understand the following topics:

Unit 1 – Introduction to the Methods of Chemistry:
Measurements and Calculations; Lab Equipment and Lab Safety
Unit 2 – Matter and Changes / Scientific Measurement:
            Matter, elements and compounds, mixtures, chemical reactions. Measurements and their uncertainty, Basic SI systems, Density.
Unit 3 – Atomic Structure, Electrons and Periodic Behavior
Atoms – The building blocks of Matter; Structure of the atoms; arrangement of Electrons in Atoms, the Periodic Law, Periodic Trends
Unit 4 –Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure:
Chemical bonding; Structure of Covalent Molecules, Salts, and Metals
Unit 5 – Chemical Names and Formula/Conservation of Matter:
Chemical Formulas and Compounds, Chemical Equations and Reactions.
Unit 6 – Stoichiometry
            The arithmetic of equations, chemical calculations, limiting reagent and percent yield.
Unit 7 – Gas Laws / Gas Behavior:
Physical Characteristics of Gases, Gas Laws, Molecular Composition of Gases
Unit 8 – Solids, Liquids and Solutions / Acids and Bases:
Liquids and Solids, Properties of Solutions and Solution Concentration, Acids and Bases,  Characteristics of Acids and Bases, Titration, calculating pH, neutralization of acids and bases.
Unit 9 – Electrochemistry, Thermochemistry and/or Nuclear Chemistry
Electrochemical cells, reduction-oxidation reactions; The flow of energy, heat in changes of states, nuclear radiation, nuclear transformations, Fission/Fusion of Atomic nuclei.
Unit 10 – Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry.
Subjects outside of the State Standards, covered after the Content Standards Test in early May.

The Academic grades will be based on the following breakdowns:
a.     Classwork/Homework, standards testing, presentations 25%
b.    Portfolio, Quizzes, and Unit Tests 25%
c.     Laboratory notebook, lab quizzes, project and lab reports 25%
d.     Comprehensive final exam 15%
e.   Participation and attendance 10%

Grading Scale: Course grades will be assigned according to SJUSD’s standard grading practice:
100% - 90% = A || 90% - 80% = B || 80% - 70% = C || 70% - 60% = D || Below 59.9% = F
I’ll use the normal grade scale with “plus” and “minus”.
I’ll not curve my tests, but I DO give extra credits.

Extra Credits:
            You made earn up to 1.0% per semester. Bonus points are awarded from time to time at the instructor’s discretion for a variety of little extra reasons such as bring materials for the lab, writing summary of science/chemistry articles, asking brilliant questions and seeking the answer, helping out the room/lab, etc… or conducting an original research or writing an exceptional research paper and this work is no “Mickey Mouse” project. Ask the instructor for more information.


Besides HONESTY and PERSONAL INTEGRITY, RESPECT is the key. Being courteous, mindful and respectful to fellow students, T.A., substitute, your instructor, and our classroom settings are expected at all times. Unnecessary acting out, put down, talking, trashing class/campus, or other immature behaviors will lead to lowering of your citizenship grade. Finally, the citizenship grading policy will comply with Mira Loma and San Juan School Districts’ policies. This includes adhering to all rules in our handbook. For example, after 3 tardies (<30mins) results in parent-called plus 1-hour detention and after each truancy (>30mins) will results in lower 1 citizenship grade.

The following criteria will be used to determine the citizenship grade:
                        A: Student is attentive, stays on task, complies with teacher requests, is
courteous to others, treats equipment well, contributes positively to the
class learning environment, follows class rules and is on time to class.
B: Student demonstrates occasional transgressions of the expectations listed for an A, but makes an effort not to repeat them.
C: Student demonstrates occasional transgressions of the expectations listed for the “B” student and may be inattentive, off task, unprepared or occasionally tardy and may require reminders to remain on task.
D: Student is disruptive to the class and learning environment and makes little effort to correct his/her behavior even after disciplinary actions are taken.  He/she may exhibit unacceptable or rude interpersonal behavior and may accumulate many tardies during the grading period. 
F: Student persistently disrupts the classroom learning environment, fails to respect individual rights and property or school responsibilities along with possibly being chronically tardy to class.

NOTE: A major infraction of these rules may result in a more dramatic drop in the citizenship grade after conferencing with the student, legal guardian and/or administrator. Issues with academic malpractice will also negatively affect the student’s citizenship grade.

Electronic devices may be used before school, after school, during passing periods, break, and lunch. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.  Students will receive progressive discipline for using their cell phone during class (1st warning, 2nd phone taken away/‘phone jail’, 3rd detention/referral). Phone sleeves will be used during quizzes and tests. 
At any time during the school year the privilege to use electronic devices during school hours may be revoked by school administration (phone lockers in the VP office).

Passes:        Please use the restroom at lunch, passing periods, or before school, however, if you need to use the restroom, just raise your hand without interrupting the class.  If this becomes a frequent occurrence, I will be forced to have a (remarkably awkward) conversation with you and your parents about the obvious medical issue you have.  Per school rules, students are not allowed to use the restroom the first and last ten minutes of class.  A forgetful mind is not an emergency, make sure all of your possessions are with you and not in the quad, or in you car, or in your last classroom, or . . .

Academic Integrity Policy:
Each student is responsible for performing academic tasks in such a way that honesty is not in question.  Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic honesty, and students are expected to maintain the following standards of integrity:  All tests, term papers, oral or written assignments, projects and recitations are to be the work of the student presenting the material.  Any use of wording, ideas, or findings of other persons, writers, or researchers requires the explicit citation of the source; use of the exact wording requires a “quotation” format and citation (MLA format)Any student deliberately assisting another student in academic dishonesty is also culpable.  (i.e.  Letting a friend copy your homework, sharing test questions or answers, providing a photo of tests or quizzes)  Students found in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to school discipline which may include, loss of, or zero credit on the assignment, lowered citizenship grade in the course, parent conference, and Saturday School.  Teacher, counselor, or student may request restorative practices.

When you are absent, it is your responsibility to turn in work that was due during your absence the following day you’re back. If you missed a lab/test, it must make up within ONE week or it will results in a zero. Late works will NOT be accepted unless it is an excused absence. Homework are turn in every Wednesday and Friday. Late work is no longer accepted. All grade discrepancy must take care of within one week of posted grade.
Contact:         I am almost always available during lunch (except when participating in intramural sports) and you may catch me during break, before or after school. To ensure you catch either of us, a quick email to set up an appointment is useful.  The best way for you and your parents to reach us is through E-mail: Students can also use Google Classroom (which goes to our email anyway). If needed, we will message students using Google Classroom so please ensure you have set up a method to see those messages (historically, students have found the app is VERY helpful for this).

Code of Conduct: Classroom policies, policies on attendance, tardiness, dress code, and behavior, are addressed in the student handbook, will be implemented along with district policies (Please see below)


            Classroom policies, policies on attendance, tardiness, dress code, electronic devices and behavior are addressed in the student handbook. They will be implemented along with district policies.  Students cannot use electronic devices at any given time in the classroom. Exceptions will be allowed during class activities such as Kahoot, Google classroom, researching, and so on.

            Mr. Bach will also implement these Five Studying/Living Principles in our classroom. It is a mindful way of living and we will practice reflective and mindfulness, as it is the key to peace and harmony with oneself in the classroom, in the family and ultimately in the world.
1. Do no harm. (Non-harming) – Abstain from intentionally hurting or killing any animate life.  Do not harass or bully anyone or other beings physically, mentally or emotionally. For example, if you see spiders or other insects in the classroom please take them outside or let me know and I will do it. In Mr. Bach’s classroom remember this wise saying: think no evil; speak no evil; act no evil, text no evil, post no evil and comment no evil.
2. Have integrity. (Honesty) – Don’t take anything that does not belong to you without permission, including intellectual property. This means that you should avoid plagiarism, copying, or taking materials such as chemicals from the lab. Only take what is offered. Practice self-discipline and show self-esteem.
3. Respect yourself and others. (Respect) – Respect all others, including different living organisms, fellow classmates, other teachers, substitute teachers, and so on. Show courtesy and politeness. Being respectful starts with the Golden Rules. Be considerate of other people's feelings. Show manners, etiquette and sincere intention as it is a way to keep society in harmony. Respect the classroom space and property. Being respectful also means don't discriminate and being open-minded.

4. Communicate responsibly. (Communication) – Let’s put ourselves in each other’s shoes. Be mindful of your communication, including what you think, say and do. Please be responsive rather than reactive- think of a win-win situation. Please listen attentively; use deep listening skills and loving speech.
5. Show kindness and compassion. (Compassion)  Show empathy and sympathy. Be kind, warm-hearted and caring to yourself and others around you. However, before you can show kindness, love or compassion for others, you must first practice self-kindness, self-love and self-compassion for yourself and family. In order to make our surroundings more kind, loving and compassionate, we have to be an agent of change. Happiness, love, kindness, and compassion start from the within.

  1. Good website to learn:
  2. KhanAcademy:
  3. All classroom lesions/presentations and resources can be downloaded under classroom notes:
  4. Games for your brain:
  5. Mr. Bach’s other corner:

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Hoa Hướng Dương - Photography by Chính Nguyễn

   Kính tặng Thầy Tịnh Nhơn

Nhẹ nhàng quét bụi trần gian
Vô minh tràn khắp gian nan cõi đời
Tinh chuyên quét sạch bụi đời
Vườn tâm trong sạch rạng ngời Chân Như.

                              Thư pháp Võ Việt Tuấn

Friday, September 7, 2012

Nụ Cười Để Lại

                Cố trưởng lão Hoà thượng Thích Minh Châu
Kính tiễn Giác linh cố trưởng lão Hoà thượng Thích Minh Châu - Thư pháp Võ Việt Tuấn

Nụ Cười Để Lại
   Cung tiễn Giác Linh Ôn Minh Châu

Ôn cười hiền như Bụt
Ôn đi ai cũng thương
Hương Ôn toả muôn phương
Lung linh vàng Tâm Phật

Thế gian còn hay mất
Ôn thì rảnh Tâm Không
Cưỡi đại hạc thong dong
Về Tây phương Tịnh Độ

Bậc xuất trần thố lộ
Hoan hỷ nụ cười Thiền
Gieo Bi Trí mọi miền
Bồ Tát Thanh Lương Địa.

Ôn Tuệ Sỹ đảnh lễ Giác Linh Ôn Minh Châu - ảnh lấy từ

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tìm Quà dâng Phật - sự Quán Chiếu *

                            Trên đỉnh đồi của Viện Khoa Học Trí Năng (IONS) Ảnh: BXK
                                                 Đá Guardian or Guardian Rock Ảnh: BXK 

For English version, click here.

Tìm Quà dâng Phật - sự Quán Chiếu *
        Tặng Jacques, Diane và các bạn thiện nguyện viên mang Phật pháp vào các trại tù ở California. 

Từ vô thuỷ đến vô chung
Chỉ có Tánh Không -
Mọi hiện tượng thân tâm đều không hề có tự tính 
có chăng chỉ là sự giả hợp
Mọi pháp đều trống rỗng, 
Duyên khởi - một mối liên hệ với nhau
cái này có thì cái kia có, cái này không thì cái kia không.
Tất cả các Pháp đều phụ thuộc lẫn nhau
Tất cả các loài hữu tình hay vô tình
Đều thể hiện những pháp của mình 
- Như thị
Những hạt giống đang gieo rắt, 
đang nở, đang thơm, đang biểu hiện và đang biến đổi
Tất cả mọi vật lý có thể thay đổi
Mọi thứ đều là vô thường
Bao gồm cả cảm xúc, suy nghĩ và ý định của chính mình 
Tiềm năng tỉnh thức hay Phật tánh
đang lớn dần hàng ngày qua những sự thực tập chuyên cần của chúng ta
Qua sự thực tập chánh niệm, từ bi, trí tuệ, và lòng vị tha
Phục vụ người khác là một tặng phẩm cho đức Phật
và làm sáng Phật tánh của riêng mỗi chúng ta
Từ vô thuỷ đến vô chung
Chỉ có Tánh Không.

Viện Khoa học Trí Năng
Petaluma, CA September 2, 2012.

* Bài tập tìm một món quà dâng lên bàn thờ Phật và viết về vật đó. Tôi không chọn vật gì hết và nói về Tánh không.

** Viện Khoa học trí năng được đồng thành lập năm 1973 bởi cựu phi hành gia Edgar Mitchell và nhà đầu tư Paul N. Viện khuyến khích và tiến hành nghiên cứu về lý thuyết thuộc về trí năng và tiềm năng của con người.