Monday, October 21, 2013

Chapter 5 - Electron configuration and orbital diagram worksheets

Worksheet #1: Atomic Spectra

Answer the following questions using your Unit 3 notes.

1.  How did Bohr expand on Rutherford’s model of the atom?

2.  How many electrons can each of the following orbitals hold?
            a. 2s = ________                    d. 6d = ________

            b. 3p = ________                   e. 4p = ________
            c. 5f = _________                   f.  3d = ________

3.  How many “p” orbitals can there be in any energy level?  ____________________________

4.  What is the maximum number of electrons in the 3rd principle energy level?   ____________

5.  How many orbitals are in each of the following sublevels??

            a. 4p sublevel  ____________            c. 4f sublevel   ____________

            b. 3d sublevel  ____________            d. 2s sublevel  ____________


Worksheet #2: Orbital Diagrams

1.  Write the electron configurations for Na, Ga and Ag.

2. Which element has the following orbital diagram?







element (answer)




3.  Using arrows, show how the following orbitals will fill with electrons.

Electron Configuration










Worksheet #3: Electron Configurations

Answer the following questions using your Unit 3 notes.

1. Write the complete electron configuration for each atom on the blank line. 

  1. Lithium                                                                                                          
  2. Fluorine                                                                                                          
  3. Carbon                                                                                                                       
  4. Argon                                                                                                             
  5. Sulfur                                                                                                             
  6. Nickel                                                                                                             
  7. Rubidium                                                                                           
  8. Xeon                                                                                                  

2.   What elements are represented by each of the following electron configurations?

            a.  1s2 2s2 2p5                         c.  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10   4p65s2 4d10 5p4                     

            b.  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2                   d.  1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p5                

3. a.  What are valence electrons?  ____________________________________________________

  1. Explain how an atom’s valence electron configuration determines its place on the periodic table.

  1. List the number of valence electrons for the following atoms:
potassium =                  magnesium =                      carbon =                 nitrogen =               

4.  Place the following orbitals in order of increasing energy:

            1s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 3d, 4f, 3p, 7s, 5d, 5p                ____________________________

5. What two elements are exceptions to the way we normally write electron configurations? Write the expected and the actual configuration of each. What rules are followed?  What rules are violated?

Worksheet #4: Periodic Table

Answer the following questions using your Unit 3 notes.

1.     Identify each element as a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal.
a.     fluorine                                                        d.  phosphorus                                      
b.     germanium                                                   e.  lithium                                           
c.     zinc                                                               f.  oxygen                                           

2.     a.  Circle the transition metals below.

            magnesium                  titanium           chromium            mercury            aluminum

b.  Which block (s, p, d, or f) are the transition metals found?               

3.     Give two examples of elements for each category.

a.  Noble gases                                                                                               
b.  Halogens                                                                                                   
c.  Alkali metals                                                                                             
d.  Alkaline earth metals                                                                                

4.     Explain why the s-block of the periodic table is two groups wide, the p-block is six groups wide, and the d-block is ten groups wide.

5.     Why do the elements potassium and sodium have similar chemical and physical properties?

6.  Identify the element that:

            a.  Contains a full 3rd energy level                         c.  Outer energy level is 4s2                           
            b.  Contains 3 electrons in the 2p level                  d.  Contains 5 electrons in the 4d level         

Worksheet #4 CONTINUED…..

Answer the following questions using your Unit 3 notes.

 7.  Write the electron configuration for the element fitting each of the following descriptions.

            a.  The metal in Group 15                                                                                          
            b.  The halogen in period 3                                                                                        
            c.  The alkali metal in period 2                                                                                   
            d.  The transition metal that is liquid at room temperature                                       

1.      Write the electron configuration for the following elements:
Cesium = _________________________________________________

Potassium = ________________________________________________

Uranium = __________________________________________________

2.  Give an example of the following:

            a. Homogenous mixture  = _____________________________________

            b. Heterogeneous mixture = ___________________________________

            c. Element =  ____________________

            d. Compound = __________________

3.  Name the scientist who contributed the following to the discovery of the atom:

            a. Discovered the nucleus       ______________________________

            b. Used the cathode ray tube   ______________________________

            c. Discovered protons              ______________________________

4.  How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does the element cobalt have?

Worksheet # 5: Check What You Know
Answer the following questions using your Unit 3 notes.

1. How many orbitals are in the following sublevels?
                  a)  3p sublevel =  _____           d) 3d sublevel =  _____
                  b)  2s sublevel =  _____           e) 4f sublevel =  _____
                  c)  4p sublevel =  _____

2. Write the full electron configuration for each atom.

                  a) Phosphorus = _______________________________
                  b) Gold  = _______________________________
                  c) Iodine = _______________________________

3. Give the symbol and names of the elements that correspond to these configurations of an atom. Where does this element belong in the period table (e.g. noble gas, metalloid, etc..)

                  a) 1s22s22p63s1 = ________________________
                  b) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8 = _________________________
                  c) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4 = ______________________________

4.  Distinguish between the ground state and the excited state of an atom.

5. Draw the orbital diagram for the element Manganese.